As the only deep-water port in the South San Francisco Bay, the Port serves Silicon Valley by managing 120 acres of industrial and commercial land, including the Municipal Marina. Annually, the Port fuels economic impact to the region through facilitating cargo across port docks. Port success funds City services and supports the local community through investing in local events, public walkways, access, and viewing areas, and offering a boat launch, dry dock storage and other public amenities. The Port is a public agency that is not funded through local taxes. Instead, the Port generates its own revenue to support its operations in its entirety.
Port fees for the marina, harbor rates, berth fees and rules and regulations are outlined through two Port tariff documents. U.S. Geological Society, California Canoe & Kayak, Cemex, and Sims Metal/Sims Group are just a few of the tenants that operate at the Port. This year the Port will invest $9 million to improve and update capital infrastructure. This investment will improve Port operations, community access, and community use of the public walkways, public fishing pier, boat launch and more.
The Port is looking at new opportunities to serve the Silicon Valley region through approaches that support transportation, emergency response, environmental stewardship and future infrastructure investments. In addition, the Port is collaborating with the City of Redwood City and the Water Emergency Transportation Authority (WETA) on a future public ferry service.
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