The Board of Port Commissioners consists of five members, appointed by the City Council for terms of four years each. Members must be residents of Redwood City at the time of their appointments and continuously during their incumbencies. Additionally, members must have been a resident of the City for at least 3 years prior to their appointment. Members serve without compensation and cannot hold any other public office or position in the City while serving as members of the Commission.
The duties and responsibilities of the Board of Port Commissioners are prescribed in Section 47 through 50a of the City Charter. Port Commissioners are assigned exclusive control and management of the Port, including the right to adopt and enforce ordinances, orders, regulations and practices for proper administration as necessary for the management and government of the Port and its facilities.
The Port Commissioners are responsible for:
Supervision and control of the Port area, waterfront properties and adjacent lands and Redwood City Marina
Provision for the needs of commerce, shipping and navigation at the Port
Development, construction, re-construction, alteration, repairs, maintenance, equipping and operating all waterfront properties
Regulation and control of all public service and public utilities operated in connection with the Port
Fixing of all rates, dockage, rental, tolls, wharfage and related charges for the use and occupation of the public facilities and services of the Port, and providing for collection thereof
Pursuant to the Charter, the Port Commission prepares an annual budget.
The Board of Port Commissioners meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month and may meet in additional special sessions. Visit the Port Commission meeting schedule to view all meetings. Meetings are subject to change. View our Agendas and Minutes page to review meeting agendas, minutes and meeting cancellations. To sign up to receive meetings agendas and other Port announcements, use our Sign-Up form.

Stan Maupin | Chair
Term Expires: 7/31/2026; Appointed: 6/22
Maupin was appointed to the Port Commission in 2022. Prior to his appointment he served for over 32 years in the fire service starting in Foster City and with the last seventeen years in Redwood City where he retired as the fire chief in 2020. As fire chief he was responsible for the planning, development, and implementation of policies, goals and objectives, annual budgets, and departmental and city priorities pertaining to emergency services. His many achievements include creating a new fire department for the City of San Carlos and successfully negotiating an emergency services merger between the cities of Redwood City and San Carlos. During his time as fire chief the fire department achieved a class one fire protection rating for both cities from the Insurance Services Office (ISO), a rating that less than 1% of all fire departments across the country hold.
Throughout his career he was very active in the fire service at the city, state, and federal levels where he served on multiple committees and commissions and responded to emergencies throughout California.
He has been active in the community over the years through membership in several service clubs and is currently a member of the American Legion Post 105 Redwood City where he serves as an Executive Board member, Co-Chair of the New Building Committee, and Chair of the annual Veterans Day Ceremony. Prior to his fire service career, he served our country for four years in the United States Marine Corps.

Nancy C. Radcliffe | Vice Chair
Term Expires: 7/31/2026; Appointed: 6/22
Radcliffe was appointed to the Port Commission in June of 2022. She comes to the Port after serving 20 years on the Redwood City Planning Commission. She has deep knowledge and understanding of the issues facing the community and the Port. She also brings firsthand knowledge of the creeks, sloughs and Port area waterways due to her many years as a sculler.
Radcliffe was named Businesswoman of the Year in 2015 by the Redwood City-San Mateo County Chamber of Commerce. Recipient of the Sequoia Awards Outstanding Individual for the year of 2021. She has served on numerous local non-profit boards, including CityTrees, taking care of Redwood City’s Urban Forest, the Redwood City Library Foundation, Redwood City Woman’s Club, San Mateo Chamber Board and Redwood City International.
Commissioner Radcliffe values the port as the only deep-water port in the South San Francisco Bay, it’s important role in the economy of Redwood City and the County, and the opportunity to strengthen the Ports’ connection to the community through a ferry and redevelopment of the business park area.

Mike Claire | Secretary
Term Expires: 7/31/2028; Appointed: 6/24
Claire was appointed to the Port Commission in 2024. Prior to his appointment he served 35 years as an educator and an administrator for the San Mateo County Community College District (SMCCCD). His executive positions include serving as President of College of San Mateo for 13 years and serving as Chancellor of the SMCCCD from 2019 until his retirement in 2023.
As Chancellor, Claire was responsible for the overall operation of the district and its three colleges, its $500M annual budget, and stakeholder relations to develop and implement the district’s strategic plan. Some of his key accomplishments included working with the SMCCCD Board of Trustees to establish tuition-free college, partnering with Second Harvest Foodbank to create food distribution centers at all three colleges, and overseeing the successful completion of employee housing at Skyline College.
Claire has served on many boards during his career and he currently serves on the board of directors for Monterra Credit Union and also serves as a Commissioner and executive board member for the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges.
Claire holds a B.S in Accounting and an MBA in Information Systems, both from California State University, East Bay, and is a Certified Public Accountant. He currently resides in Redwood City.

Chu Chang | Commissioner
Term Expires: 7/31/2028; Appointed: 6/24
Chang was appointed to the Port Commission in 2024. He has a longstanding 30-plus year career in the building and infrastructure industry leading transformative projects throughout Silicon Valley, including work with Redwood City and San José. He currently serves as the assistant director of planning, building and code enforcement department for the City of San José. Chang’s work led the California Building Officials (CALBO) to recognize him as the 2023 “Building Official of the Year,” not just for his service to the City of San José but across the profession.
For the City of San José, Chang notably guided the $7M integrated permitting system upgrade, which services roughly 500 inspections daily. Chang’s leadership also drove the cross-department teams that streamlined permit processes for restaurants, accessory dwelling units, solar photovoltaic installations, and more.
In Chang’s early years with the public sector, he served in leadership roles responsible for interagency capital improvements, flood control, buildings and park facilities, outreach, and more. Chang also served the Army Corps of Engineers in Taiwan.
Chang currently serves as a governing committee member of the International Code Council Major Jurisdiction Committee, holds several professional licenses, and recently completed service as a Building Review Board Commissioner for Redwood City. Chang holds a B.S. and M.S. in Civil/Structural Engineering from Tamkang University in Taipei, Taiwan, and the University of Texas, Austin, respectively.

Dani Gasparini | Commissioner
Term Expires: 7/31/2028; Appointed: 6/24
Gasparini was appointed to the Port Commision in 2024. She has focused much of her career in Redwood City/San Mateo County where she was elected to the Redwood City Council at just 29 years old and became Mayor of Redwood City two years later. She then continued her philanthropic work for more than 20 years.
One of her proudest achievements was being part of the Sequoia Hospital Foundation team that raised the philanthropic funds to build the new patient pavilion and later helped jumpstart the organization and fundraising for patients, research and outreach for the now global GO2 Foundation for Lung Cancer.
Gasparini has decades of experience volunteering in Redwood City and throughout the County with organizations such as the Chamber of Commerce, San Mateo County (serving as the Board Chair and Vice President of Economic Development), San Mateo County History Museum, Advisory Board Member of Boys and Girls Club of the Peninsula and the GO2 Foundation for Lung Cancer.
Gasparini’s list of community recognitions include Sequoia Award Citizen of the Year, The Redwood City/San Mateo County Chamber Person of the Year and Businesswoman of the Year and was inducted into the San Mateo County Woman’s Hall of Fame.
Gasparini is a lifelong resident of Redwood City and is a proud product of its local education systems.