Call for
Sponsorship Opportunities

The Port of Redwood City is now accepting sponsorship applications for local programs and events taking place between July 1, 2025 and June 30, 2026.
We provide maritime commerce and waterfront recreation services that contribute to a thriving Silicon Valley region. Our strategic location feeds the construction industry with imported raw construction materials and cargo used in the region for manufacturing. The Port also maintains over one-mile of public waterfront, including access to waterfront recreation such as a public boat launch, fishing pier and art.
As part of our waterfront recreation efforts, the Port supports a lively and dynamic waterfront and invites the public and local businesses to use public waterfront land and access water recreation opportunities, on order to bring visitors to the waterfront. To encourage event hosting on the Port’s unique waterfront venues, the Port is offering an in-kind permit option for this year’s sponsorship opportunities.
The Port is committed to supporting our local community through a variety of ways including an annual community sponsorship program. The Port’s goals align with the City of Redwood City's Strategic Initiatives including Economic Development, Transportation, Community Building and Government Operations.

Sponsorship Criteria
The Port offers community organizations sponsorship with an overarching focus on maritime and waterfront recreation activities to enhance the local community. The Port’s four focus areas for sponsorship opportunities include:
1) Economic Growth
2) Environmental Stewardship
3) Youth and Education
4) Community Benefit
The Port’s annual Call for Sponsorships helps us maintain a transparent framework for the Port’s sponsorship process. Applicants may request funding for event sponsorship, waiver of permit fees for waterfront events, or program and operational support.
Application period
The open application period will be from January 16 to April 2. Applications may be submitted online or delivered to the Port via US Postal Service. If application is mailed, please ensure postmark by April 2, 2025 or the application will not be accepted. The Port will consider applications received by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, April 2, 2025.
All applications received prior to the deadline will be evaluated by Port staff and members of the Board.
Sponsorship Selection
Limited funding opportunities are available, and priority is given to events and organizations aligned with the Port’s purposes, maritime commerce and waterfront recreation, within the four focus areas listed above in sponsorship criteria. The Port reserves the right at its sole discretion to award and disburse funding. Awards may not be in the full amount of request, dependent on budget and merit.
Selected organizations will be contacted for award discussion and timeline via e-mail. Organizations not selected for sponsorship will receive notification via email.
If you have any questions regarding the Port of Redwood City sponsorship application process or have trouble filling out the online form, please contact us at: 650-306-4150 or email
2025 Sponsorship Program Application
Organization Information
Contact Information
Previous Sponsorship Program Recipient
2025 Sponsorship Information
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