At the Port of Redwood City’s Board meeting on September 27, 2023, three commissioners were elected to officer positions.
Commissioners Lorianna Kastrop, Stan Maupin and Nancy C. Radcliffe will assume new leadership roles for this year’s Port Commission. The three officers will be responsible, along with the rest of the board, for supervising the Port area, regulating commerce needs and monitoring all public service and public utilities connected to the Port.
The Port of Redwood City would like to thank Commissioner Garcia for his guidance and leadership as Chariperson over the past year.
Lorianna Kastrop was elected as Chairperson of the commission. She has served on the board since 2008. In 2013, Kastrop was the first woman ever to serve as Chair, and was the second woman to be appointed to the commission. She is also the founder of the award-winning PortFest.
Stan Maupin was elected as Vice Chair of the commission. He has served on the board since 2022. Prior to his appointment, Maupin served for over 32 years in the fire service, including 17 in Redwood City until he retired as fire chief in 2020.
Nancy C. Radcliffe was elected as Secretary of the commission. Radcliffe has served on the board since 2022, and comes to the Port after serving 20 years on the Redwood City Planning Commission.
“Thank you to Commissioner Garcia for his leadership as chairperson in 2022-23. I am honored to lead the Commission alongside Commissioners Maupin and Radcliffe,” said Chair Kastrop. “The Board of Port Commissioners looks forward to supporting maritime operations, regional resiliency and continuing to create recreation opportunities for the public to enjoy our beautiful waterfront.”