Port safety and regulatory roles
Safety and security at the Port of Redwood City is the number one priority for our organization. Safety is everyone’s responsibility. If you see something, say something.
A guide to understanding the Port of Redwood City’s regulatory agencies’ roles and responsibilities
The Port of Redwood City is a busy maritime seaport that drives economic prosperity and creates jobs by connecting South San Francisco Bay with ports across the world. The safety and security of the Port, its people, the community, and the surrounding environment are paramount in our day-to-day operations. This is accomplished through strategic collaboration with federal, state and local partners to ensure we can continue to be a vital link to the world for businesses and consumers — throughout Silicon Valley and beyond. As a landlord port, with a variety of tenants, the Port’s leases require that tenants must be in compliance with all local, state and federal laws and regulations. The regulatory agencies listed within this page help enforce compliance and may issue sanctions as appropriate.
Protecting our people and port
The Port of Redwood City is committed to partnering with national, regional and local agencies to ensure the safety of our maritime community. Learn more about the Port’s Emergency Preparedness in our fact sheet.
Learn more about our partner agencies below.
Key: Land (L) Water (W) Air (A)
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
(L) (W) (A)
(202) 282-8000
DHS enhances U.S. maritime border security by helping safeguard lawful trade and travel and disrupting and dismantling transnational criminal and terrorist organizations. The Port and Coastal Surveillance program which is run under DHS is developing solutions to improve maritime situational awareness to enable a rapid and tactical response to maritime threats.
Federal Maritime Commission (FMC)
(202) 523-5725
FMC works to ensure that the activities of liner shipping groups or foreign government laws or regulations do not impose unfair costs on American exporters or American consumers of imported goods.
U.S. Coast Guard (USCG)
(650) 808-2902
The United States Coast Guard is the maritime security, search and rescue, and law enforcement service branch of the United States Armed Forces and one of the country's eight uniformed services. The Coast Guard is a maritime, military, multi-mission service unique among the U.S. military branches for having a maritime law enforcement mission with jurisdiction in both domestic and international waters.
United States Maritime Administration (MARAD)
(202) 366-4000
MARAD supports the technical aspects of America’s maritime transportation infrastructure including ships and shipping, port and vessel operations, national security, environment and safety.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
(L) (W) (A)
(800) 424-8802
EPA supports efforts to improve efficiency, enhance energy security, save costs, and reduce harmful health impacts by advancing next-generation, clean technologies and practices at ports across the United States.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
(W) (A)
(831) 656-1725
NOAA provides daily weather forecasts, severe storm warnings, and climate monitoring to fisheries management, coastal restoration and supporting marine commerce. NOAA holds key leadership roles in shaping international ocean, fisheries, climate, space and weather policies.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
(L) (W) (A)
(415) 782-9200
CBP Air and Marine Operations safeguard our waterways by anticipating and confronting security threats through aviation and maritime law enforcement expertise, innovative capabilities and partnerships at the border with more than 300 marine vessels.
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
(L) (W)
1 (888) ASK-USGS
USGS provides science about natural hazards that threaten lives and livelihoods and is the sole science agency for the Department of the Interior. The San Francisco Bay marine research vessel, The Peterson, is home-based at the Port of Redwood City.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
(L) (W) (A)
(800) 621-3362
FEMA directly supports maritime transportation infrastructure security activities of the Port. FEMA also provides Port Security Grant Programs, preparing communities for emergencies and natural disasters. The Port of Redwood City is designated by FEMA as the Federal Staging Area (FSA) for the South San Francisco Bay region.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE)
(L) (W) (A)
(415) 503-6925
USACE provides support for Port operations. The Marine Design Center offers expertise in the development and application of strategies and technology for naval architecture and marine engineering.
U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC)
(L) (W) (A)
(202) 482-2000
DOC sets standards and conducts foundational research and development to support economic growth. The Department oversees ocean and coastal navigation, helps negotiate bilateral trade agreements and enforces laws that ensure a level playing field for American businesses and workers.

California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW)
(L) (W)
(916) 445-0411
CDFW works to improve and enhance their capacity and effectiveness in fulfilling their public trust responsibilities for protecting and managing the state's fish and wildlife.
California Division of Boating and Waterways (DBW)
(L) (W)
1 (888) 326-2822
DBW brings together a body of knowledge as the state’s expert in recreational boating-related matters, including public access, safety and education, marine law enforcement, and consumer and environmental protection.
California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB)
(916) 341-5254
SWRCB preserves, enhances, and restores the quality of California's water resources and drinking water for the protection of the environment, public health, and all beneficial uses, and ensures proper water resource allocation and efficient use, for the benefit of present and future generations.
California Department of Industrial Relations (CalOSHA)
(L) (W) (A)
CalOSHA protects and improves the health, safety, and economic well-being of wage earners and helps their employers comply with state labor laws. DIR is housed within the Labor & Workforce Development Agency.
California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (CalOES)
(L) (W) (A)
(916) 657-9494
CalOES oversees and coordinates emergency preparedness, response, recovery and homeland security activities within the state of California. During times of emergency, the Port of Redwood City works in conjunction with CalOES.
Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC)
(L) (W) (A)
(510) 540-2122
DTSC protects California’s people, communities, and environment from toxic substances, to enhance economic vitality by restoring contaminated land, and to compel manufacturers to make safer consumer products.
California Department of Transportation (Caltrans)
(510) 286-4444
Caltrans manages California's highway and freeway lanes, provides inter-city rail services, permits more than 400 public-use airports and special-use hospital heliports, and works with local agencies. The Port of Redwood City will coordinate with Caltrans during emergencies.
California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)
(L) (W) (A)
(415) 703-2782
CPUC regulates privately owned electric, natural gas, telecommunications, water, railroad, rail transit, and passenger transportation companies.

San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC)
(L) (W) (A)
(415) 352-3600
BCDC protects and enhances San Francisco Bay and encourages the Bay's responsible and productive use for this and future generations.
City of Redwood City’s Police Department (RCPD)
(L) (A)
(650) 780-7118
RCPD polices 19 square miles to protect life and property, improving the quality of life, and reducing crime and the fear of crime. The RCPD includes three divisions: Patrol, Investigation and Administration.
San Mateo County Environmental Health Services
(L) (W) (A)
(650) 372-6200
San Mateo County Environmental Health Services ensures a safe and healthy environment in San Mateo County through education, regulation, and monitoring. Services include but are not limited to hazardous waste management, restaurant inspections, housing inspections, medical waste disposal, water protection, water quality monitoring, and pollution prevention.
San Mateo County Department of Emergency Management
(L) (A)
(650) 363-4790 cmo.smcgov.org/department-emergency-management
The Department of Emergency Management (DEM) coordinates countywide preparedness, response and protection services and activities for large-scale incidents and disasters. DEM is responsible for alerting and notifying appropriate agencies within the county's 20 cities when disaster strikes; coordinating all agencies that respond; ensuring resources are available and mobilized in times of disaster; developing plans and procedures in response to and recovery from disasters; and developing and providing preparedness materials for our residents.
City of Redwood City Public Works (RCPW)
(L) (W)
(650) 780-7464
RCPW provides water service to customers in Redwood City, including the Port,and oversees the Urban Water Management Plan, which sets policy for securing and protecting our water supply.
City of Redwood City’s Police Department Marine Unit
(650) 780-7118
RCPD Marine Department is responsible for investigating crimes occurring in areas of the San Francisco Bay, south of the San Mateo Bridge. Specially trained police officers conduct marine rescues and educate people on marine safety issues.
San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office (SMCSO)
(L) (A)
(650) 363-4911
SMCSO protects lives and property and is committed to providing the highest level of professional law enforcement and correctional services.
City of Redwood City’s Fire Department (RCFD)
(L) (A)
(650) 780-7400
RCFD includes seven fire stations housing seven engines, one truck and a team including firefighters, firefighter/paramedics, captains, battalion chiefs, fire prevention staff, training staff, and administrative staff. The RCFD addresses fire and medical-related incidents on the water using Fire Boat 9 which is docked in District 9.
San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB)
(510) 622-2300
RWQCB has jurisdiction throughout California, with nine regional boards established to exercise rulmaking in the nine state water basins. The San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board is in Region 2, and conducts regulatory activities to preserve, enhance, and restore the quality of the regional Bay Area water resources and drinking water for the protection of the environment, public health, and all beneficial uses. It also ensures proper water resource allocation and efficient use, for the benefit of present and future generations.
U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary (CGAUX)
1 (877) 875-6296
CGAUX promotes and improves recreational boating safety, provides trained crews and facilities to augment the Coast Guard and enhance safety and security of our ports, waterways, and coastal regions, and supports Coast Guard operational, administrative, and logistical requirements.

For emergencies,
dial 911.
Safety & Security
FEMA Designation
As the only deep-water port in the south Bay Area, the Port of Redwood City is strategically located to assist the entire region in playing a critical role in recovery efforts, should a disaster strike.
The Port is designated by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) as the Federal Staging Area (FSA) for the South San Francisco Bay region and would be activated during an emergency moving first responders, residents and critical supplies via water when roads, bridges and airports may be inaccessible.
The Port is perfectly situated to keep the movement of goods, people and emergency supplies flowing in the South Bay Area during an emergency.
We collaborate with our partners to prepare and keep our region safe in an emergency. Learn more about these efforts in our Port of Redwood City Emergency Preparedness fact sheet.
Regional Emergency Response
To ensure a coordinated and effective response among first responders, the Port annually conducts full-scale interagency emergency response and recovery drills. During the exercise, responders conduct mass casualty scenario responses to varied situations such as vessel fires and structural collapses. The responders coordinate the establishment of a command center and organized delivery of public information.
Partnering agencies include:
Local Fire & Police
San Mateo County
U.S. Coast Guard
Port Security
The Port of Redwood City has historically been awarded grant funding as part of the Port Security Grant Program from the Department of Homeland Security. This grant allocation has been used to further the Port’s operational efficiencies, continue to enhance cybersecurity measures and provide support to the region during natural disasters.
The grants have also been used to strengthen the Port’s collaboration with local, state and federal first responders involved in maritime security and operations.
The Port of Redwood City is ready and able to mobilize in the event of a disaster and will continually work to cultivate partnerships with local, state and federal entities. We are committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for everyone.